The Cinema Interface

Continuing on with the cinema interface, the first thing we need to design is the header:

I went with a bag of popcorn and film strip to decorate the sides as this felt like two iconic references to the movies! Keeping with that spirit, I designed the movie info boxes to resemble film strips as well:

As mentioned earlier the info shown will be part of your character, it's name (or the first 10 letters of it), the two highest leveled skills, the score (in the brown box), and the floor reached (golden shape at the end). In the final version below, I added a star to indicate someone having added that particular strip to favorites:

Speaking of which, this interface needs quite a few new buttons as well, in order to select everything! Without further ado:

From top to bottom: Play Clip, Most Recent, Favorite(s), Friends, Public, and Settings. The last one will lead to this rather simple popup menu, where you can select who can view your replays by moving left or right (the options being only you, only friends, or public):

Next week we'll discuss and continue designing the final interfaces for the Arcadia Rework: the one for Master Ji's shield challenges, and the UI that shows information about each building you can build. After that there's mostly some smaller detail stuff for me to do before I believe I'm done with all Arcadia Rework things! Exciting times.
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