Master Ji's Challenges

Okay, one of the last interfaces I need to make belongs to Master Ji's shield training dojo where he challenges you to perfect guard various enemies! Because we haven't discussed this in detail though, we needed to have a talk and finalize some things.

The basic idea with Master Ji's dojo is that you won't be able to deal damage on enemies without having perfect guarded them first: after which they'll die after just one hit. You yourself on the other hand will just need to take a single hit before losing the challenge!

The first time you talk to Master Ji he'll give you a trial run where you have to perfect guard twice: once where you hit the enemy regularly after the guard, and once where you'll use a skill (in order to quickly showcase how your attacks and skills become better by perfect guarding). Once you've done this you'll be able to select a bunch of challenges through his interface.

Each area has their own challenge where you'll be presented with either one or multiple of the same enemy one at a time until you've perfect guarded your way through all the enemies of that area. After that you have to perfect guard against each of the previous enemies at the same time. Complete this without taking damage and you'll have cleared the challenge. Clear five challenges and you'll get the first "belt" (a headband of a specific color), ten to get the next and so on (actual numbers might differ depending on how many challenges we have in the final version).

Aside from the basic floor challenges there will also be special challenges with interesting enemies, such as perfect guarding against each of Marino's special attack combo attacks, or being stuck on a platform with Lantern Jacks shooting fire at you.

As for availability, the relevant challenges will be unlocked as you reach each area, so you'll have to have gotten to the Evergrind floors in Arcade before you unlock perfect guard training against those enemies, for instance. However, you can clear the challenges in whatever order you want.

In order to make retrying challenges less annoying you'll get the option to retry (yes/no) after you fail a challenge, where selecting no will simply bring you back to regular Arcadia and yes restarts the challenge.

And now, on to actually making the interface!
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