Desert & Cinema Sketches

Today we've sketched and talked about the details surrounding two big upcoming things: the final desert map, and the interface at the Cinema in Arcadia!

Starting with the desert map, this is the sketch we showed a little while ago:

When I made this sketch I paid no heed to character sizes or what the distances between each section of the map would be in the game, as it was a sketch made on paper after all. Now that we need to translate the sketch into something we can actually use, we need to fix that.

In the above version of the sketch I've brought the whole thing into Photoshop and copy pasted a player character into each section, using it to determine distances and how big each thing is. The result is that certain parts of the sketch have been enlarged to better fit the character(s) that will run through the area. For instance, the part above the misspelled fight area has been a bit enlarged on both sides, and there's a longer corridor coming towards the Saloon from the top right.

Once this was done, we brought the map into the game to run through it and try it out for ourselves (it's a much different thing actually playing through the map compared to looking at a static character in the midst of it):

Again, we felt some areas were too small, so we made the corridor before the Saloon even larger and added a small space where you can more easily battle enemies there. The area before the (still misspelled) fight area was made larger as well, with the option to add a cave (can't have too many caves and potential extra maps). Finally we actually made the Fight area slightly smaller to give the user interface in the top of the screen more room without it having to completely cut off the walls.

As mentioned, we also talked about the Cinema, how it would work, and how best to make an interface for it. We decided that when you open the cinema interface you'll be presented with six options: Personal Best, Most Recent, Favorites, Friends, Public and Sharing.

In the "Personal Best" section, you'll be presented with a list of your top best runs, automatically saved for your rewatching pleasure! Same thing with "Most Recent", but with your most recent runs rather than the best. In "Favorites" any runs you've saved as a favorite will be available, both your own and those of your friends or strangers: which brings us to "Friends", where your friends top runs will be available: each friend having one entry each. In Public, you'll see the runs with the highest scores, and in Sharing you decide whether you want your runs to be shown only to yourself, you and your friends, or if you want them to be public to anyone (i.e if you end up on the high score).

Here's a very early sketch showing what the selection of a replay could look like, featuring your character's face (+ parts of the poncho and hat), the top two skills you used, what score you got and which floor you reached:

To be continued!
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