What's Next?

As you know, we're drawing ever closer to the completion of this game, and since I'm usually a bit ahead of making the background art and such, we're nearing a point where I'll run out of stuff to do! So how to keep me busy?

Well, we've had a budding idea of having me prepare the graphic assets and likely, most of the writing, for a little side project, or a companion piece if you'd like: basically, a visual novel where you're a Collector, interacting with other collectors and sentient artifacts!

This game will be a very short game to go along with the Grindea universe, so we're not talking any big investments of time here, even for me - but it'll give me something to do while Teddy and Fred finish the last bits of animations and code for the main game. And it may also serve to give you guys a bit more insight in the world of Grindea!

Because of the planning needed, you're likely going to start seeing some sketches and rough ideas for this project come up on this blog soon. So how do you guys feel about visual novels? Any particular ones you like, or dislike? Features you'd like to see in a project like this? 

Again, keep in mind our goal here is just to make a little companion piece, so it's not gonna be very long or super complex - just a little side project in the same world :)

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