Victory GUI

Now with the Grindea boss fight drawing ever closer to completion, it's time we start working on a proper victory UI for Arcade Mode instead of the standard Game Over one! 

Here's the regular version, as a reminder:

And here's the post-Grindea one, which will be more blue. It has a star instead of the floor number, and will most likely show up against a black backdrop as seen in the second picture below, as it'll appear after the credits: 

Of course, in the above examples there's still the usual Game Over text, but in the actual interface it'll say "Victory!" one you've defeated Grindea. We've made three versions of the next now, though, with "Victory?" showing up when you finish the game without battling either Bishop och Grindea, and "Victory" showing up when you defeat Bishop! 

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1 comment:

  1. Maybe "Victory..." for the middle one would be better to imply there is still more? (Unless it's made obvious after you actually finish the run)
