Monday Meeting: Weekly Roundup

It's another Monday, and work on the Utility skills is in full progress!

Right now, that mainly consists of testing all the billion ways each spell can break the game (which they do, a lot), by playing through the entire thing using each spell on every enemy in every possible way. While we won't be able to find all of the bugs or problems this way, hopefully it'll make them more or less fully functional before we hand it over to you guys in the Frontline beta! Multiplayer will need a whole lot of testing of its own, both to make sure the effects are syncing up between users, and to bug test the friendly targeting (as some of the Utility skills will be used as buffs which can be cast on anyone in your party).

At some point I will be called upon to make the proper skill icons for each of these, though I'm not sure if that will happen this week or later when we're 500% sure these are the skills we'll actually end up using (that is, once we're certain none of them feel too boring as we try them out properly on our bug testing runs). Until then my art focus will be mainly on continuing the Arcadia Rework, as it's what's next on our to-do once the skills have been finished (and the occasional desert town portrait). Slow but steady!

Fred, meanwhile will be focusing this week on creating more of the Utility skill animations and Teddy will be put on major polish and bug hunting duty. At the moment, we don't have an ETA for when the skills will be available on Frontline: it's all very dependent on how broken they end up being on these playthroughs.

We've already had lots of talks about small edits we'd like to see on each of the abilities, so they're not even in their finished form as it is right now! No major changes in terms of mechanics, but lots of tiny timing-things and such. For example, whether Death Mark should trigger automatically once the meter is full, or if it should still wait for the timer to run out. In this case we decided to keep the timer fairly short, and have it wait for it to run out before it triggers, even if you've done enough damage to fill the whole thing. Our reasoning for this is to make sure you can't spam it too often, in multiplayer, for instance - as you'd be able to fill the meter a lot faster with four people who might all also have the ability (though we'll try to balance this as well). Our goal is to make it fairly hard filling up the meter before the timer runs out, so it'll be a bit of a fun challenge to try and fill it as much as you can when battling.

Hope you guys are enjoying your summer!
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