Monday Meeting: Weekly Roundup

And another week goes by! Last week we finalized Housing and finally managed to get a Stable patch up and running with the whole thing, meaning that (unless there are many more bugs that need fixing), it's time to focus our attention on those Utility skills! If you are one of those waiting for Stable updates, please go ahead and try housing out, and let us know about how to make it better in the future or any bugs you might find! The full patch notes can be viewed here!

I know a lot of you are sad to hear about there still not being a healing skill, but hopefully the inclusion of the barrier skill will soothe that blow slightly, while still keeping true to our design. So far, we're all happy about the skill ideas and hope you will be too!

Teddy is currently prototyping the Utility skills using whiteboxing methods (meaning he's winging the art with what we already have or extremely simple paint art), just to get a feel of how they'll work in the actual game. Sometimes it becomes very clear even at this stage that some things just don't work the way we'd like it to, and if that happens it's unnecessary to have Fred make complex animations for skills that will get cut!

So in the meanwhile, Fred's continuing to work on the desert enemies until we're satisfied with the first bunch of skill prototypes, and I'll continue to focus on the Arcadia Rework, which is likely to be the next step after the Utility skills have been implemented and the skills and battle systems have received an overall rebalance. I'm also continuing to create portraits every now and then, for the inhabitants of the upcoming desert/harbor town, to avoid spending multiple weeks doing nothing but portraits once we get there! Stay tuned :)
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