Housing Fixes

So, we've kept track of your feedback since the housing launch last week, and two requests stood out above the rest: bookcases facing sideways and chairs facing upwards!

The reason we didn't include sideways-facing bookcases was, honestly, because we thought it looked boring and we thought nobody would be interested in that anyway. After listening to your feedback, we know we were wrong, and agree that there's definitely uses for them - and so they will be added in an upcoming patch!

Along with the bookcase update, there will also be chairs facing upwards, so you can put chairs in all directions. We always intended to include these, but for some reason, we kept forgetting to actually make them. Oops!

As per request, there will also be a style for the female statue without the moss, as pictured below:

As you can see, there's also a bunch of beds in that picture, and you might wonder why. Well, we've had a discussion about the perspective in the game and whether some items look better in their correct form or not. 

You see, the vertical beds that are currently in the game are wrong according to the perspective - they are much smaller than they should be, compared to the horizontal version - and Teddy suggested we should correct it since it was something that bothered him as he was flipping between the two. 

When I took the above screen, I had started fixing the vertical beds, but something felt kind of off. I asked Teddy to upload the Pumpkin Woods bed so we could test it and compare it to the old, smaller version. 

Turns out we ended up preferring the smaller one, even though it's technically wrong. For some reason, the beds end up feeling huge when they're in their correct size, and it actually felt a lot worse than flipping between the original ones. I will still fix two that felt a little too small, but the rest will be kept the same, and the "fixed" versions will go to the trashcan!

Another thing that will be added is the !-mark seen above. It will appear above important notices, and serves as a warning of sorts. Or just to make the boxes a little more interesting-looking, if you will!

There's a lot more of these tiny fixes to come, including fitting some item better within their squares. Stay tuned~
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