Final Dungeon Third Floor Designs: Flying Fortress

The next thing we've been discussing and designing for the final dungeon is the Flying Fortress floor. In the beginning we wanted this to be quite phase shift heavy, but as we though more about it we felt the essence of Flying Fortress is more about bullet hells, so we started leaning more towards that. However, we've had a ton a random ideas, among others a phase shift puzzle where you need to collect items within a certain time and a bullet hell with guardians that block parts of the room with their laser beams... 

In the end however, we settled for three rooms (for now, this might change), first one of those corridor where a number of orbs pass through and you have to run left and right so you pass through the orbs in the slot where one of the orbs is missing -  I'm not great at explaining this in words, but you've already passed through such a corridor in Flying Fortress already, and this one will be pretty much the same - although we have some ideas for beams and such to make it a bit more difficult and high paced. 

The second room will have a number of small platforms, 4 or more, which will get hit by a ton of missiles. The goal in this room is to phase shift to the one platform that won't get hit by missiles and as such avoid damage. Once the timer runs out you'll be able to proceed to the final room...

...which is all about bosses, namely Phase man - and not only one, but two of them(!), ending with a little burst of Gun-D4m. We're pretty excited about this combo and hope you will be too! 

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