Pin Collector Appearance Progress

Our experiments with the Pin Collector's first appearance continues and we're now playing around with how the pins that scatter around him will look. 

The difference between the above two are mainly the sizing of the pins. In the first video, the pins are all of the same size, while in the second one we've resized some to be smaller. Between the two of those, we prefer the one where the sizes aren't all exactly the same, but we weren't totally happy with the way they faded away, so we decided to try something else:

In this third version, the pins disappear with a bit more of a bang. We prefer this a lot as it gives the feel that the pins disappear into the world rather than simply fade away. However, we weren't completely happy with the timing, so we decided to change that a bit as well:

So in this version the timing is adjusted and the Pin Collector turns around. Of course, most of the graphics displayed here are placeholder graphics, his turn as well, so each of them will be improved in due time. But so far so good! :)
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