Office Update

Sorry for the lack of update yesterday! We've been busy turning the guest house into an office; which turns out involved two full days of carrying stuff back and forth as well as disassembling and reassembling a whole bunch of furniture... Phew!

Even after these two days we're not completely done; we've been looking into getting new desks (of the kind you can also use to stand up and work), and new, better chairs, seeing as we've had these for an incredibly long time and they're pretty much just the most basic type of IKEA chairs. I spent most of the evening yesterday doing some research on that topic, so hopefully we'll have a better and prettier looking office soon :)

For now though, it's good to be able to work together again! And being this close to home, it's a lot easier with lunch breaks and the like as well. Feels great so far!
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1 comment:

  1. It is very difficult to disassemble and reassemble the office furniture.Also, there are lots of problem like to make similar environment at some other place. As you shared you wanted to buy desks and chairs for office use. In addition to this, you have researched for these things. In the situation of COVID-19, almost all employees are working from their home. My company bought Office Furniture from them. Therefore, they do not get uncomfortable and work on their productivity.
