Sneak Peek: Ghost Skill

Let's end this week with a quick look at the  skill you'll unlock in the fourth dungeon~

So this skill has the codename "the ghost skill" because we haven't come up with anything better yet. What it does is basically it shows you the spirit world, where things look a bit different.

There are a ton of possibilities for this skill, including having enemies that can damage you in the real world by using real weapons, but you cannot hurt them unless you go into the spirit world. There's also obstacles you can only pass in the spirit world, or hidden treasures only seen while in it.

With this skill you'll also be able to talk to ghosts, which might help you on your journey or give you quests?! Who knows, this is just a very early prototype after all.

What do you think? Too dark and scary? We'll do our best to make sure nothing becomes too creepy, just the right amount!
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