Random Courtyard Fixes

Now, time for some polish!

So previously I had not yet added the door in the back of the courtyard, so I went ahead and made that. There's both an opened and closed version:

Since I wasn't 100% satisfied with the way the cloth fall at the end of the 'altar', I decided to go back and edit the shape slightly:

The courtyard still felt a bit empty, and not messy enough (some stuff is going down!), so I threw in a bunch of planks, some broken glass, and other stuff. In the burned version, I added a burn effect only on the parts of each object that's within the fire:

Finally, due to another time jump, there was need of a version of this place after the fire, where some time has passed. In order to illustrate that we added some newly grown grass, but not too much, since not that much time has passed at this point: 

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