Tai Ming Zone02 on Frontline!!

Finally, the second zone's on Frontline! It only took about 4 months guys!! ;) However, if my playthrough of the area is any indication (1 hour 20 minutes), it's a decent amount of playtime for that amount of work, at least compared to our previous areas.

I know it's hard to believe, but our workspeed per playtime has actually increased with this dungeon, though it's pretty huge and ends up taking a long time to finish anyway ;P

Anyway! We'd love to hear how long it takes you to play the area, if you got stuck anywhere, what you liked/disliked and, of course, any bugs you found! Please spam away, we'd love to hear everything (and feel free to link us any cool Let's Plays of the area, as seeing how people think and try to interact is extra important in this area).

Here's a few of additions to the area that were made after last week's Mixed Bags were already posted:

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  1. I noticed you can't back into the Tai Ming's first zone after you reach the second. Is that something that will be updated?

    1. You'll be able to move between the zones, but only in their present states. Once you've completed an area the time rifts will close :)
