Tai Ming Zone02 - Mixed Bag III

Since out goal is to bring the second Tai Ming zone to Frontline this weekend (not sure we'll make it yet, but here's to hoping), I decided to post this third and final (!!!!) Zone02 Mixed Bag today instead of Sunday!

Since I've gotten into the habit of pre-writing these post a couple of days ahead, I think I'll just keep the posts on the old schedule for now, starting with this one! So, back to a regular Monday-Friday week for the posts again, woo!

First up here, the need to block the way south in the Path Puzzle's past state! This was done by adding a bunch of boxes. 

Whatever happened to this guard's hat?! I guess you'll have to find out by playing through the zone! In either case, he needed a portrait without the hat, so I made one!

This map will actually be part of the main story, and will probably be the first treasure hunt we have as part of a main quest! If you've been following this blog, I'm sure you can already figure out where this is... :)

Due to a slight rewrite, we decided to open up the door to the Puzzle World WIP, and add a small sign letting you know that something is ahead. 

Previously for the Monkey mini game we used a placeholder key, which was actually a much smaller one that was resized in Photoshop. Good thing we remembered to swap it out for this new sprite :)

A line of rocks were added to show you where you cannot push certain blocks that can be found on the lower level of this zone. You can (and should) still run past the rocks yourself though!

Finally, due to some grim times up ahead in Tai Ming, we decided it was time to increase the number of tombstones in the cemetery greatly... Whatever could be happening? The answer awaits you in the third zone!
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