Mount Bloom Fishies!

As you know, the most important feature of any serious RPG is the fishing. As such, Mount Bloom would be a pretty lame map without a fishing spot, right? And of course, if there's a fishing spot, there needs to be stuff you can actually fish, too!

Time to fill the clear mountain water of Mount Bloom with some cute fishies!

So the top one is the Anglerfish, hidden deep beneath the waves where it eats unsuspecting smaller fishes, such as the Wimp! Like some of the rare fishes, it has two icons, which allows us to use a larger one when the character holds it above his/her head, and a smaller one that fits inside the inventory circle.

The blue one is actually not made for Mount Bloom. Instead, we're swapping the Rock Fish from pillar mountains for this one (which is supposed to be a Salmon, btw). The Rock fishie will instead be moved into Mount Bloom, where we feel it fits a bit better.

The purple one is a little crystal fish, and the gold one... a gold fish!

Then we have the slimy Mossfish, and a message in a bottle! Which may or may not contain a side quest.... ;)

Painting fishes and other item sprites is a lot of fun! Good thing we're making a game where there will be a lot of items to collect~ :D
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