Portrait of a Pin Collector

After a few discussions as well as checking in with the community about the subject, we've decided that rather than have pins appear from the get-go, it will be another thing that will be introduced after you've played arcade mode for a little bit, complete with its own NPC who will tell you how it all works. As such, I was tasked with making his portrait: 

Do you recognize from where we have gotten the inspiration for this guy? :) 

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  1. was he inspired by the faeries?
    I think I missed the reference, please tell us.

  2. First I thought it was a girl lol. But also reminds me of the faeries or a Zelda character.

  3. OMG... Happy mask shop! =)

  4. And also an idea for other kind of room: Chance Time Room!

    NPC with 3 chests/gifts/barrels minigame, we pay gold (the fee) to play. (maybe a health variation also?)

    The good chest: health orb/potion, x2 fee's money, equipment, level up points...
    The neutral chest: nothing/the money we used to play.
    The bad chest: nothing, enemy spawn, some sort of curse, exploding/poison chest (maybe avoidable?)... whatever can be used to kill the player. ^-^
