Monday Meeting: Another Pillar

Going back to story mode for a bit, we've talked about the second quest for the Mansion and come up with a rather simple quest for the player to deal with the first time they're allowed into the Mansion (which will be by the time you defeat Marino after Flying Fortress). Basically one of the maids want some help solving a small infestation of slime in the basement. Oh but what an infestation it is - not quite what you'd expect I think... :) 

We're also finally starting to fiddle around with the things you'll access when you get the plant fertilizers and will access the areas currently unavailable (remember the small squiggly plants?). So far we know of three places these plants will be: the one in pillar mountains which will lead to a small reward, a little cave system leading back to the cave where you find the sandals (I believe) further down in pillar mountains, and upwards to an old an abandoned Grindea shrine which may or may not play a part in the later stages of the game... 

Here are some sketches I made as we were talking about this place during the meeting, more to come later: 

The one in Flying Fortress will simply lead you to a treasure, while the third will lead you to the mysterious tree stump house in Seasonne, where it seems you will get a reward and find a housing shop! We haven't made any sketches for this yet, but I'll likely start working on that once we finish up the mansion :) 

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