More Arcade Mode Room Ideas

Speaking of variation in Arcade Mode, another thing we've been discussing a lot lately is the addition of more types of rooms, to make each run feel even more unique. Some of these ideas include:

Cursed Item Shop
A shop that sells items that are really good but you can't unequip them or swap them out (this room type would mainly appear on the early floors, so in later floors the equipment might fall off and not be as good anymore). Possibly other curses as well. 

Zombie J
A ghastly version of the bow salesman who sells a cursed quiver that is smaller (so you'll have fewer arrows in total), but you can fire extra arrows at the expense of your own health. Could appear alongside the Cursed Item Shop, to mirror the regular shop.

The guy who appears here and there around the world to open up shortcuts or sell you items you've missed and can't reach again, only in arcade he'll offer you access to a bonus room he's found. Pay up the money and he'll let you through to a path he's cut up leading to either a random guaranteed 'good' room (a shop, healing, etc), OR...

...A Lood Fountain
A room with a bunch of Loods floating around a fountain! We haven't decided if this is only gonna be the reward for paying Archie or if it'll be a room of its own. In the end we might end up having this be Archies only reward instead of random rooms as well. We'll see!

A Mischievous Spite
Think we might have mentioned this before ages ago, but it was brought up again. A sprite that appears in multiplayer only, secretly offering one of the players an advantage of some sort at the expense of his friends (like them getting less atk, def, aspd or something like that). Just something a bit silly to mess with your friends!

It's not a certainty we'll add all of these, but they are some suggestions at the very least. Which one is your favourite? And what sort of additional rooms would you like to see?
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