[Arcadia Rework] Unbuilt Plots

Now, as we decided a while back, only a small part of Arcadia will be available from the beginning, and the remaining three parts will have to be unlocked: one by building a bridge, and the other two by clearing out trees. As such, this is actually what the town will look like from the beginning:

And below are two versions where just one of the remaining areas have been unlocked by clearing out the woods:

Now, in order to make things look a little more interesting around some of the unbuilt plots, we decided to put in some random props, pieces of wood, boxes and the like, to help signify that these areas are a work in progress until you've purchased them. So below it's decorating time, starting with the Farm, moving on to the Aquarium, the Bank, and finally the Arena:

And now, here's the version of the map where all the plots are visible but none has been bought:

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1 comment:

  1. You should make the blue orb things shattered or covered in vines, they look way too new compared to the rest of everything being broken.
