[Arcadia Rework] Clock Tower Indoors

Now, finally time to move indoors and start doing some cool house interiors (it's been a while now)! Today, we're starting off with the Clock Tower, featuring the world's longest GIF. I should have just recorded a video of this whole thing but I've been doing GIFs so much now that I just completely forgot I also have a YouTube channel for these things. Oh well! Maybe next time ;)

This place was actually quite a bit of a struggle! I'm working on my rendering technique for those pesky wall textures, trying to fins a nice balance between too plain and too much detail/colors.

The main part of this room is the bell, which will allow you to change the time of day, and the window which indicates what time of day it is. The window will be animated by Fred at some point, where the image will turn from night to day. At that point the background might look completely different depending on what's easier to animate for him, but for now I just put a piece of the Arcadia background there instead of keeping it empty.

Finished version, for now:

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