The Future of Smash

As mentioned before, our next main goal is to do a complete rebalancing of the skills in the game. This includes making bigger changes to some of our old darlings, such as Smash.

Smash has been kind of difficult to use since hitting the first enemy does not do a lot of damage: it's smashing it onto others that's the main source of epic damage. However, in some cases this isn't exactly easy to do. In fact, most of the time it probably isn't for most people, unless they're in a very crowded area. If you're facing few enemies, it might be hard to aim where the first one will go, making it near impossible to optimize the damage. Against bosses, the skill has been more or less useless.

So, how do we change this? I'd lie if I said we haven't considered replacing the skill completely, and I suppose it might still happen. However, our first try will be to improve aiming and giving you something to use against bosses or in those cases where there simply isn't enough enemies.

SO: the next time you charge your Smash skill (once the patch airs), a magical ball will appear in front of the player. You can hit this ball instead of an enemy, smashing it into approaching foes (or bosses) for maximum damage. To make aiming easier we've played around with a couple ideas as well:

In the first one, a set of dots appear behind the ball, indicating where it's going, including how it would bounce off walls and the like.

Below, there's a second version, using a more cone-like shape. It's important to remember that both of these indicators use placeholder graphics, and that in the end, regardless of which one we pick, it'll look more fitting to the game.

As it is, we feel the second one has better potential of having a clean look, so it's probably the one we'll go for. Hopefully these additions to the skill will make it a little more fun and useful. Otherwise, it's probably back to the drawing board for this skill!
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