Fred's Friday: Balancing by the Numbers

Truly, this week has not been so much about art or programming as it has testing. We really want to get the balance right this time, so we've decided to play through the game at least once per skill, giving each of them chance to be the main skill in a playthrough. It's truly a challenge to tweak the numbers to make them mathematically balanced vs each other, without losing the soul of each skill.

Because the game is already quite a few hours long, and we want to make sure each skill scales well as the play progress through it all, it means A LOT of the work week has been spent "simply" playing the game over and over, taking notes on how each skill feels at various points of the game. To our aid, Teddy has made a number of shortcuts, i.e. we can now walk through walls to skip certain puzzles. That's basically the only skip we use, though, as we still want the level and gear to be as true to a real playthrough as possible.

With each skill completed, we're getting close to evening them all out, and right now most of them feel a lot more powerful than they did previously.

As we started playing the game using the new version of Blade Flurry (shown last week), we realized we weren't quite satisfied with the way it looked now, so Fred took a small break from testing skills to make a third version, which is kind of a mix between the two earlier ones (note that this is currently a WIP and hasn't been fully finished yet):

Hopefully, our great rebalance will draw to a close next week, as we all have looking forward to taking a week's break from 4th and 8th September, just to recharge the batteries before the great long autumn and winter rolls over Sweden. Finishing the patch up just before then would be ideal, as we would be able to return a week later and go through all the accumulated feedback. Fingers crossed!
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