Polishing the Winterland

While the winterland (Seasonne) is a relatively new area, there are some old props hiding in there as well, as well as some lack of detail that we felt we needed to address...

First of all, in the bottom left map, there's this huge chunk of the area that has been neglected as far as details go: 

Way back, in an early version of this map, we had super many "snow caves" here, but when Teddy was going to implement them he thought they were simply too many, and since we couldn't decide which ones to keep he removed them all temporarily. ..And then we kind of forgot about them...

Until now! So, we decided to keep a few of them around the edges of the trees, where they don't interfere too much with the epic fighting that goes on:

While it doesn't make or break this area, I think they do a good enough job of giving the place a bit more character.

Speaking of character (or not), slightly below said snow caves there's a quite empty square! This place was supposed to be where the winterland's teleport plate was, but we changed our mind and put it in Santa Fae instead. So, time to redecorate:

Oh, and the toy factory and the poor family's house in the two other maps needed to have their fences upgraded as well (though I forgot to save before-and-after shots of the factory fence):

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1 comment:

  1. Where the fence was it would be cool to have a broken teleportation plate half covered in snow
