Gotland Game Conference: Day 3

The final day of Gotland Game Conference! This day we went down to play some more games - because why not - before heading to have dinner with the other judges and preparing for the Awards ceremony and party (which lasted pretty much all night - thank god we only do these things once a year or so ;)).

Drinking some champagne at the pre-awards VIP mingle.. :o)

There isn't all that much to say about today, other than that I got to talk to so many amazing people! I love attending GGC because you get to meet a lot of people that are much like you - we all love games, developing their different aspects and sharing knowledge and experiences in doing so. After mainly being locked inside our apartment developing day and night, just us three, it's really refreshing to get out and meet some real people in the industry, as well as students about to join us.

Plus, as a gamedev, you can't really play too many games, right? Gotta keep in touch with that side too!

I think that's all for this year's GGC! It's been an honor to be invited for the third year in a row - I'd do it again anytime! :)

BTW, for those that are curious, here's a showreel with all the games participating in this year's GGC:

And here's a list of the winners:

Best First Year Project
Frog Climbers

Best Second Year Project
Clouds Below

Best Graduate Project

Best Presentation

The Cha-Ching! Award
Summit Chasers

The Almedalen Library Award
Colors of the Wind

Alumnus of the Year
Rikard Jaksch

The Innovation Award
Workspace Warfare

The Tokyo University of Technology – School of Media Science Dean’s Award
Clouds Below

Students’ Choice Award

The Pwnage Award (Best of Show)
Frog Climbers
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  1. We didn't get to know who won? D:

    1. Haha, good point! I'll edit the winners into the post :)
