Grandma Pidgy Remake

It's time for Mrs. Pidgy from Evergrind City to get a remake!

Mrs. Pidgy in Evergrind City, feeding the birds :)

This is probably one of the oldest portraits around, actually; it has only been slightly cleaned up once. Needless to say it was time to update the look!

Her old portrait sprite

Below you can see the work in progress as well as the final rendered version. This time around it seems as if she's been eating a bit more cookies in her older days!


Finished version, before resize & cleanup

And here's the final in-game sprite:

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  1. I think she looks younger & fatter now

    1. I wouldn't agree on Fatter, but definitely younger.

      Need more creases and less 'shine' on the face.
      Old people don't have silky-smooth faces.
