F3 Puzzle 3 - Seasons

Here's all the different versions of the previous room! As usual, there's a bunch of stuff missing that Fred will add later on; in this case various ways of blocking the top doors. Again there's two different waters in this room, which means you won't be able to pass through the room unless it's winter. 

...Or will you..? ;) 



This is actually the last room for a little while! We still need to figure out certain things regarding the boss, mini-boss and a challenge room before I can make the last few rooms. Until then, it's back to portraits for me :)
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  1. It looks great Vilya! I can't WAIT to play it in the frontline/stable versions!

    I love the switches! They remind me of switches from A Link To The Past!


    Did that give you any inspiration at all?
    A link to the past is my all time favourite game and to be honest SoG is a favourite of mine and it's not even complete yet, just because of the type of game it is. It's a lot like A link to the past. :)

    Keep up the good work & thank you!
    -Raeden from the forums

    1. Thank you! :D

      The switch-sprites were made by Fred, so I can't really tell you what his inspirations were, but I know both he and I have played a lot of A Link to the Past (we love it) so it's not impossible that he was inspired by those, subconsciously or not! :)
