Arcade Final Floor Design Ideas

In Arcade Mode, we need a room you'll get to once you finish the Ghost Ship, where you'll get some sort of reward - and, if you're powerful enough, you'll get the chance to transcend into one final floor where an epic final boss battle awaits! 

So, I've been making a couple of suggestions for what this room could look like, and this first one is inspired by what I'd like the final floor to look like - otherworldly, up in the sky, on floating isles with other floating isles in the distance having statues or parts of statues of Grindea on them:
The second idea is a throwback to Bishop's realm where you'll be battling him in Story Mode, a grim and dark realm.. In this version, the doors of the temple will open either to an intense glowing light or straight up to the sky, if you should have enough power to get there... :) 

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