Patch Time

As you may have noticed a few days ago, it's patch time! This new patch ties a bunch of loose strings together, and is the first of a few such updates. If you haven't done so yet, go ahead and go try out the new content and new quests!

A short summary from the patch notes: 

* There's now a quest to bring (back) butterflies to Evergrind City!

* Marino's Mansion is now accessible, with a couple of quests inside

* Red Slimes can now be found in Story Mode, and have been given a card

* Added a new Two Handed Weapon obtainable after Flying Fortress: Red Slime Hammer

* Two more wobbly sprouts have been added, and all four can now be grown using Super Fertilizer, unlocking new locations

* Some minor quests/secrets have been added to give the player said fertilizer

* The Alchemist storyline can now be concluded with a final quest

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