Next Up, Part 2

Some more stuff we've been talking about recently is tying up a couple of the "semi-started" quests we've been foreshadowing around the world. One such thing is the Scarecrow quest - remember the scarecrow that talks about the purple garland in Pumpkin Woods? While we're going to rewrite her(!) line a little bit, we will end up with a quest dealing with the curse of the pumpkin, while also solving another question mark of the world - the house on the little island in Evergrind City. We've decided to let there be a bridge there from the beginning, rather than you having to fix one, and inside will be a worried father talking about his missing daughter, who is a collector. At some point in the story, once you've progressed far enough or you're strong enough, he will appear in the Collectors' HQ asking for your assistance in finding his daughter; who, it turns out, has been cursed into a scarecrow!

Another thing you might have forgotten about (but we surely haven't) is the grave up in Seasonne! The grave will be reached through a cave which we're about to make as well, and which will give clues about the owner of the grave - a math genius who is depressed about his attempts at math caves not being as popular as his rival in Port Monnaie. There will be a different kind of math puzzle here as well, but the quest itself will be given after speaking to the ghost inhabiting the grave outside the little cave system. 

We're also going to (finally!) add the option to turn a couple rooms in the Temple of Seasons into spring, revealing a hidden room in one such room where you'll get a trinket that has been in the game since pretty much forever, but which you haven't been able to get yet because we never actually got around to making it possible to turn the room in question into its spring version... Oops!

More to come as well, but there isn't that much left on our list for Story Mode now! :) 

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