Monday Meeting: Return of the Library!

Another week and another planning meeting! This time around we've decided on more new items to be made, some relevant for the remaining quests, as well as some housing items you'll be able to purchase! Among these will be a painting of the ghost ship (which you've already seen on the ship), an old book, a boat ticket, a skeleton fish you can hang on the wall, and the head of captain bones, which is a pretty crazy idea we've had where you can get his head to follow you around and do his magic to help you out... Not 100% it'll actually make the cut yet but I know a couple of us would be quite excited if it did :)

We've also decided we're gonna (finally!) add the library for this next update. The library has been made (and remade) a couple times already while never having been actually implemented for players to explore, but now that we're drawing near the game's finish and it'd serve as an useful location related to one of the quests we're working on, it's finally time to add it to the game.

Remember how we said we wanted to have finished making these assets before the end of the month? Well, because of these new additions (and the number of animations it turns out we needed for the final cutscene of the patch), it's likely we'll not make that deadline, so here's one more example of how impossible it is to plan how long something's gonna take when you don't want to skim on the polish. Sure, we could have finished this patch without adding many animations to the final cutscene or kept that quest out of the library, but it simply wouldn't have been as good!
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