Monday Meeting: More Plans

In this week's Monday Meeting, we've continued to discuss what manner of things need doing before a stable release. Among such things have been deciding on reward items for a variety of quests, as well as the last remaining chest items.

One such reward we've decided upon is another fancy trinket, which will summon spiders to appear around you, and a skull accessory that gives you a lot of bonus damage but will also cause you to take a lot more damage as well!

We also decided upon the proper places for each of the items (which item is rewarded for each quest, and which item can be found where), and that the ghastly salesman will be selling demonic-looking furniture for you house.

Perhaps most importantly, we went through the final cutscene, deciding exactly how it's gonna play out so that Fred can start making animations for it - however, due to spoiler reasons, I'll try to not say too much about that part for now.

What I can say though, is something completely unrelated, which is that in order to make more use of the give-an-item-to-an-NPC mechanic we've decided to add a new 'system', if you will, where some NPCs will be looking for something and you'll be prompted to provide them with a suitable item. These won't be actual quests as you don't know exactly what you're looking for (the NPCs may not even know themselves what it is they need), and the indicator for an NPC being in need of something will be that they're talking to themselves or the player using speech bubbles - like Haddock as he gives you your fishing rod! The alternative would have been to use the blue exclamation mark, but we feel it doesn't quite fit what we want, and the speech bubbles might also serve to make the towns and NPCs seem a bit more alive.

In relation to that, we'll also be changing the 'secret' early on in the game with the tree stump where you can place carrots, giving it an examine button instead of the blue exclamation mark, and instead of having to collect 20 carrots you'll need to figure out what item to put on it. To help the player figure out which item is needed we'll probably make a carving of a carrot on the stump or some equal quite easy hint - it will be one of the first times the player comes across the system after all, and it will serve as a nice tutorial for it, we think!

We're not completely sure whether these new additions will make it into the stable patch yet, but they'll definitely be added before the release of the proper game.
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