Tiny Desert Fixes & New Puzzle Type

You'd think we'd be finished with the desert graphics soon, but oh no, now that things are finally started to get implemented, there are a ton of edits that needs to be made - some things you just don't realize need fixing before they have been properly implemented...

First up, we have the exterior of the desert ruin. Now that the ruins will be slightly bigger than we first though, we felt it needed to look just a little bigger on the outside too:

Then we have this area, which never got finished in the first place:

Earlier we actually thought we'd have some sort of desert storm challenge there, where you'd have to navigate your way through a desert storm, barely able to see anything. Since we didn't have the details or layout for that ironed out yet, I just left that part of the desert empty. Since then, we changed things around and put the map with the saloon to the left instead, so now it was simply time to complete the map.  

We've also decided to add a cave right before the season orb below, to give you a bit more of a challenge other than simply walking around to hit it (it will come as no surprise that you need to hit it to get across to the other side):

In this cave we'll have a new type of puzzle, one we're actually quite excited about! This one will be all about math, having you step on plates to make up a number shown inside the cave. Basic sketch below:
We plan on having three puzzles like this inside the cave, of varying difficulty (one will likely have 9 plates, another 20). One will also feature plates with enemies on them, which means you'll essentially build your own encounter once you step out of the plates. Fun times!
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