Ghost Ship Planning - Enemies!

Moving on with the Ghost Ship plans, we have a bunch of enemy ideas we'd like to see in this final 'true' dungeon. Some have been planned for a long time - remember the sailors from Merchant Isles with strange hats? They were designed that way specifically so you'd recognize their ghost forms on the ship.

So basically, we knew we wanted Merchant Isles sailors in some shape. What we'll likely do is have weapons (likely swords and such) floating around the rooms in the 'regular world'. These can attack you, but you won't be able to defeat them - at best you'll be able to disable the weapon for a short time - unless you enter the spirit world. In the spirit world, you'll notice they are in fact skeleton ghosts holding the weapons, and these fellows you can attack normally.

There will be two versions of the sailor enemies - one that does regular attacks and one magician type that buffs enemies or debuffs the players. The buffs/debuffs include making an enemy elite, or cursing the player with Reaper's Blade (the utility skill also found in the player skill tree).

As mentioned, you'll be able to make the regular attack ghosts lose their weapons a while into combat. If this happens, they will get a skill in which they can dislocate their own skeleton arm and throw at (boomerang-style) at the player, before picking up their weapon again.

We also wanted a new and more dangerous version of the Ghosties from Pumpkin Woods, only these more dangerous Haunties drip ectoplasm which drains SP while you walk in it - and might also drain the ghost meter which allows you to stay in the spirit world (if we decide to include the meter in the final spirit world design).

Finally, since it's an old ship that has taken in some water here and there, we wanted to include a sea creature of some sort, and right now we're leaning towards a pretty straight forward hermit crab that will serve as a tanky kind of enemy in the group.

Since we're still in the middle of the desert, these will probably not be implemented in the near future, and as such it's possible we'll change these designs in some ways. At the moment though, we think we're headed in the right direction, and hopefully it means starting work on the ghost ship enemies will go smoothly once we're done with the desert areas!
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1 comment:

  1. You mentioned the Ghost Ship would be the final dungeon of the game but isn't that false? Like we get the final relict here but I thought there would be a final dungeon afterwards which we enter on this map near the town that is currently empty.
