More Desert Areas

Next stop on the des(s)ert menu (ha!) is finishing up a bunch of smaller places found in or around the town! There are two cave systems, for one, that we need to design, as well as that saloon.

The first cave system is found on the first map of the desert. The room in which you enter is filled with mining equipment - seems that Mt Bloom company has some business in other parts of the lands as well. The cacti in here will have a peculiar, mushroom-like shape. I wonder what significance that will have on any potential side quests in this area?

From the first room you'll be able to go right to an encounter room, after which you'll be able to make your way upstairs where there's another exit. 

The second cave system is found on the second map of the desert. Much like the first cave system, this too leads to an exit one level above. It also has a dead end sort of deal, but seeing as there's a jump down thingy leading away from it, maybe it's possible to reach the other end of this map through some other way... I wonder. ;)

Finally, the Saloon. Fred has already made a bunch of NPCs for this place, so I placed them around the room to get a feel for the place. One of the card player tables will be replaced with the Black Ferret's table, and there will be a couple of non-occupied slot machines rather than a caveling at each one of them, but you get the idea. We've also got plans to put a dancer or two on the small stage next to the bar:
My next mission will be to finish up these areas with, you know, actual graphics. Then there's one final place to design, but once that's done Teddy should be able to implement the whole desert area up to the town in one go, without having to wait for more graphics from me and Fred. Of course, there's usually a bunch of stuff we forget, so it probably won't go as smoothly as that, but here's to hoping!
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