Arcadia Event Rooms

With the the buildings and their corresponding mechanics fully implemented into the new, revamped Arcadia, it's now time for the final few things we want to add before it's time to get to testing! We've always planned to add more randomized event rooms, and with the rework we feel it's a good time to add in a few of them. 

Here's the one we'll add this time around:

Buff Shrines
A shrine that, upon approaching it, gives you a random buff for a limited time. The buffs we've got planned are the usual basic ones: increased attack (both magic and physical), increased cast & attack speed and increased EP regeneration. But we've also come up with a few less common: one that makes your shield much stronger, one that increases your movement speed, and one in which you won't get knocked back. These last three will need to be tested to see whether they will actually be nice buffs to have in this setting, but we have our hopes up.

Grindea's Blessings
A room with a Grindea statue that grants you permanent blessings. These can be a level up, a gold skillpoint, a few talent orbs, gold, or a heal!

Shadier Merchant
A mysterious salesman who sells powerful items and skillpoints in exchange for a portion of your max HP. He'll have three items on display each time this room appears, and depending on the item he'll reduce your max HP by a certain number.

Little J
...will start appearing as well! First as a prisoner which you'll need to save from a mean mini-boss, but once he's released he'll start appearing in shop rooms, allowing you to upgrade your bow as you progress through the floors.

We have more rooms planned as well, but for now we'll just include the ones mentioned above (we gotta get that update out after all - we've been at it quite a while!) Once they are implemented we'll only need to do some slight inhouse testing before pushing it out to frontline though, so stay tuned!
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1 comment:

  1. That Shadier Merchant idea seems to be interesting. Reminds me of Binding of Isaac, another game that I love hahah :)
