Tai Ming Floor Decorations

Okay, time for some more Tai Ming floor decoration stuff! First up, adding a ton of floor decorations around the battle area (inside the battle area it'll be randomized, so it won't look so similar each time):

Now, we need to make sure the flowers won't get cut off when we add water or mountain walls, as seen below (fixed by moving the flowers slightly away from the border):

In order to make the edges of the water look more decorated, we put a bunch of the flowers directly on its sprite:

And now, the most important stuff: making a bunch of variations for trees, rocks and other decorations that will appear around the fences when there is no water or mountain to cover 'em up. I've made 6 variation of each side: three for when there's an exit in that directions, and three for when it's closed (as seen in the two examples below):

When a horizontal fence connects with a vertical one, there also needs to be a number of corner decorations, so I made three of those for each corner as well, two of which can be seen below:

Mixing and matching these decorations along with water, mountain walls and the buildings I made earlier will surely make this area look a whole lot different each time you play it! I think as far as Arcade floors go, these will probably look the most epic in that way, as each time you get there will truly be a new experience graphics wise.

Now I just need to make a bunch of interiors (you'll battle through buildings as well), and turn everything into its past version for when it's time for the time warp!
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