Tai Ming Housing Batch #1 - Basic Items

Time for the final batch of themed housing items for a while now! Tai Ming, bring it on~
You know, you'd think that with Tai Ming being a town and all, there would be plenty of ready made housing objects there, right? Not so. I'm not kidding, I had to remake almost every single item in some way!

Next time we make a town, I'll make sure to follow the housing guidelines to begin with. Not that I could follow the guidelines before since we didn't have any... But you know ;)

Anyway! The basic items, not much to say. A very basic batch, with things you've likely seen before (although remade in size or with additional versions for Housing):

The surfaces here will have a different height than items in the rest of the housing batches, since people in Tai Ming prefer sitting on the floor rather than chairs!

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