Mixed Bag

And now, some mixed stuff!

First up, fixing a graphical error shown above! Behind the door transparency the closed door peeked through, rather than the floor. It has now been fixed.

Below, a new Zhamla portrait, fitting for the dark times to come:

I also added a bunch of extra decorations for the second fighting room in zone 3. It just looked a bit empty, so I felt it needed a bit more polish:

I also adjusted the garland you'll unlock in the Seasonne batch of housing items, making sure it's properly stackable. Previously, you had to put them next to each other like in the left version below, but by editing the size they will now stack seamlessly when you put two next to eachother:

Finally, we're swapping out the map painting in the Mimic boss room for a portrait of Grindea! Progress and finished versions below:

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