We're almost getting there! Just one more background to go after this one (I think/hope)! 

Today we're gonna take a look at the second to last Mount Bloom background, featuring the "spark puzzle", which I guess should be renamed to the 'electricity puzzle' once we add the correct graphics!

Prototype BG



Moss + Tiny Mushrooms + Flowers

Editor stuff!

I took a sliiightly different approach this time, adding flowers/tiny mushrooms directly along with the moss and putting the editor stuff on top rather than placing the flowers around them! I wouldn't typically do this as it can cause flowers or mushrooms to peek out behind the bigger props in unnatural ways, but it's a nice time saver when there aren't a lot of platforms that need massive decorations like on this map :)

Return to the Temple

Ooops! I forgot to schedule this post, and yesterday was so busy I totally forgot about it until I was in bed trying to sleep, haha!
Whew! While waiting for the other puzzle room to be greenlit by our small in-house testing group I thought I'd do something else for a change! There's just been so many Mount Bloom backgrounds for a while... :D

So, after such a long detour focusing on getting Mount Bloom ready, it's gonna be nice to return to the future - [.....]

Optional Phase Puzzle - Map01

Alright! The first map, which contains the regular puzzles, have been approved for the second stage where we actually implement it properly! 
That means I gotta create a background for it, and so we're back to background step-by-step duty! ;3
Original Prototype
Some railing to spice things up a bit
Editor Props~
And finally, flowers! Same old, same old, I know! But don't worry, once we've completed these last Mount Bloom background (I estimate there will be [.....]

Optional Phase Puzzle(s) Prototype

Ready for an extremely GIF heavy post?! You better be, cause we've been prototyping the optional phase puzzles you will (or won't, if you decide not to) encounter in Mount Bloom!
For these puzzles we came up with a new mechanic: dangerous "sparks" that throw you out of the barrel if you're inside of it. In the end, we'll probably change the look of them, perhaps turning them into electricity instead. We might also swap the dotted lines that the barrels travel along into something else as [.....]

Time Travel Temple Planning

Now that we're almost done with Mount Bloom, we felt it was high time to get some planning done for the temple we'll be working on next.

As you probably know, I already started working on the first area a while back. That place will serve as an introduction of the time jumping mechanic, so it's pretty straight forward and we could easily find the time for such a basic area way back while working on other things.

Now, in the end, we plan to have [.....]

Toxic Tulip Card

If any of you have gotten the Toxic Tulip card from the latest patch, you've probably realized the artwork for it is missing. Well.... Time to fix that! 

A little GIF as well, cause why not: 

As with the portraits, the cards are something I want to go back to and revisit once the rest of the game is done. There's a ton of stuff I want to fix with this card (and the rest), but as I'll continue to improve before the [.....]

Another Mystery Room...!

You know what guys?! It's time to make another room! What room, you ask? I'm not gonna tell you that! Not yet, anyway!

Again, let's begin with walls. Walls & some floor texture. It's a nice base for any room, right?

 Then.... More walls(!?):

Oh... It's starting to make sense now:

And there's a door too?! This is starting to look like the trick phasing area again? Don't worry... It's not (not really, anyway):

Some statues and monitors, [.....]

Power Flower Boss Portrait

Remember this guy? He's from the latest patch, so if you played it you should: 

Well, as it turns out, this battle felt a little underwhelming without the proper boss portrait to go with it. After all, this badass power flower literally blocks your way forward, like a freaking pro! He... She.... It... totally deserves the proper boss treatment!
So, let's start by using one of Fred animation frames as a base for our little boss intro:

Then, let's add it to the [.....]

The Crossroads

Okay, so we're done with the Mt Bloom challenges, but we're not entirely done with the Mt Bloom area as a whole. There's still a few side quests we'd like to add before moving on to the next temple: whenever we upload a new patch to the stable beta we'd like for it to be a complete experience, even if it's short. And an area doesn't feel complete until you can do a few side quests, right?
Of course, once the core of the game is completed, [.....]

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