Temple of Seasons: Arcade Mode Backgrounds Part 2

Today I'm continuing to work with rooms for arcade mode! This time I'm gonna translate the autumn room into a winter and summer version. Most of the job has already been done and what remains is mainly color swapping stuff, so this post will be a bit shorter :)

When color swapping the autumn room into winter and summer, I had to adjust a few things (such as the placement of a few floor tiles and some details on one of the vines), so if you paid attention you'll notice they're not 100% the same... :)
When it comes to the decorations, there's a few things that are a bit more complicated than simple color swapping. For instance, the summer bushes need leaves, while the water during winter has to be frozen.

You can't see it in this post but I actually made a ton of variations of some of the things, such as the bushes, so editing these took a whole lot of time :D

In the end, having three seasons brings you even more opportunities for variations. When you enter a room, it'll almost always be a random season. Sometimes it'll have random enemies and no way of changing season, sometimes there will be season orbs for you to use, and sometimes the enemies might appear in waves before you can leave the room!

Hope you'll enjoy these floors (if you're able to reach them >:3)!
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