Battle Room - Improved Autumn & Winter

The last time we looked at this battle room, it looked like this:

After adding some of those leaf piles that we made for the lobby, as well as putting the orbs down, it looks like this:

And after turning the whole thing into Winter, it looks like this:

For this room we wanted only two seasons, and we picked winter and autumn since you'll be fighting in a summer room shortly afterwards. As we probably mentioned earlier, winter enemies will get stronger when in a winter room, and so on, so matching the enemies and room seasons will be an interesting challenge, both for us and the players!

The ice that covers the waters when it's winter will serve as an additional obstacle: just like in the winter area outside the temple, you'll slide around when moving on it, possibly causing some unexpected challenges when battling enemies.

I think that's all for this room. Time to move on the next one!
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