Golden Essence

This week, we're starting off by adding a new currency! 

This is golden essence, which like normal essence can be traded for rewards at Bishop's in Arcadia. We're also thinking you'll be able to trade a (big) amount of regular essence for one of these. The reason we came up with this currency is because we thought it'd be a better reward to get in that final floor chest, rather than getting the rewards themselves. This way you can pick and choose whatever rewards you want in any order (except for some that you will need to unlock by completing Arcade Mode in all difficulties), and it seems a bit clearer that you always get a reward of golden essence rather than an arbitrary number of rewards only to suddenly not get any more. 

This way adding new rewards is more streamlined as well - if we decide to add more rewards, Bishop will simply update his shop rather than you having to complete arcade mode once again to see what sort of item(s) we've added!   

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