Monday Meeting: Arcade Mode Event Rooms

It's another Monday, and another meeting, and in this one we're discussing more stuff to add to the final update of Arcade Mode. Here's a bunch of our new suggestions in terms of events and event rooms you may come across during a run:

* First up, an event room that's a spa where you can pick up a couple health orbs, just a nice little treat that may show up once in a while

* A potion salesman that sells "bootleg" potions that last longer than the ones you have equipped normally. These potions are usable items you can use whenever you like but will last longer and possibly be a bit stronger. 

* A version of the fortune teller room in which you can change the boss of the floor, but for the next event room! In this room Astrid the fortune teller will let you know what event room is the next to spawn, and you'll be able to let her swap it out for another one, for a fee. 

* A "Boss Assistance Fae", a fae adventurer that may show up randomly in a room and help you clear it out, only to suggest you employ his assistance in battling the boss. Of course, having his assistance will cost you! This fae may also show up occasionally in Astrid's Fortune telling room where she predicts which boss you'll face off against next. 

* We're also discussing having floor wide bets, where Bishop will appear at the start of a floor and give you a bet across the whole floor, such as clearing the floor within a limited time!

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