Monday Meeting: Lobby System, Loading Screens & More Menu Improvements

Today we've had a meeting talking about various improvements for the game as a whole. One such thing we've been meaning to add for a while is a proper loading screen before the game starts up: on some computers the game can take a little bit to start (we're working on making this quicker as well!) and so it's really nice to be able to get confirmation that you actually pressed the button in the first place.

As such, we've decided to add a little splash screen followed by the customary Pixel Ferrets logo (as well as our sound design teams logos) before a (hopefully) short load screen will appear until the game has properly loaded. Adding the splash picture and the logos should give the game most of the time it needs to start up everything it needs, so adding those will likely come with the added benefit of the game feeling like it's starting up a bit quicker than it actually does as well (haha..)

We've also made the decision to upgrade some more menus: you already saw our work on the Trophies menu redesign last week, and we'll continue to work on giving most of the in-game menus an upgraded look that fits better with the game's overall aesthetic as well as work better overall - some just haven't been streamlined enough, or have issues with the game's various translations. More on that later!

Another thing we've been discussing but won't be added until later on, if at all, is lobby systems, where you can host your game in a public listing, allowing strangers to join you from the game menu itself. While this is a neat feature for players who don't have friends playing the game and who do not want to join a community in finding players in a similar ping distance, we feel like people are managing just fine for now and that adding it would be better left to after release, if it's even needed then. We'll see!

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