Monday Meeting: Old Friends

This Monday we've started discussing the last boss of this dungeon, which is one of the final things we need to add. As many of you have already guessed, and which might be quite obvious at this point, the opponent you'll be facing is none other than your dear old friend Luke, and today we sat down to discuss what sort of feeling we want this battle to have.

For starters, we want the battle to take place on the ship, outside, and in the rain! This far we haven't had any rain in Grindea, and it's about time the weather changes. We also believe this will help set the tone for the fight. As for the actual fighting bit, we want Luke to use heavy attacks which will cause smoke and wood chips to spray from the surroundings.

Some of his attacks will be inspired by the two hand skill tree that is open to the player character, and he'll combo others by mixing and matching them in different ways; meaning he might start with one attack which may have two different endings to keep you on your toes. He'll also be starting some of this attacks by running towards the player, and we want the overall fight to be high paced with little rest; he won't be idling around as much as Marino, for instance. Finally, towards the end, he'll start using berserk mode to make things even harder for the player!

We've also discussed the last room we've yet to make for the Ghost Ship; a phase shift puzzle with ghastly features! Once this is made and implemented it's only the boss and the final creepy Startington stuff remaining before the dungeon is completed - finally we can see the light at the end of the tunnel :)

The phase shift puzzle room will not only feature a phase shift puzzle featuring the ghost skill, but also another old friend from the past: Kailan, whom you last met in Tai Ming where he was showcasing the phase shift technology to the town's inhabitants. Do you remember who he is? If not, you'll get a reminder when I get around to making the ghost version of his portrait :)
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