Eye Boss Lasers & Symbols

Meanwhile the work on the eye boss continues, and the latest iteration of the laser attack now has proper lasers, and more eyes: 

As you can see here, the trick is figuring out which eye colors are not present in the big eye, which will let you know which eyes won't be firing the laser. To make this a little easier we're also adding symbols to the eyes, making them easier to tell apart:

We haven't decided exactly which of these symbols we'll use yet, as we want to pick the ones that are the most clear from the side as well. Fred has already started playing around with what the eyes would look like from the side, but we're not quite there just yet:

We know this boss (and the map in general) is taking ages to finish, but we're determined to not let it go until each of us is fully satisfied with the fight, and we believe that once we've gotten to that point, it will all be worth it (hopefully)!
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