Boss Battle Prototyping

Meanwhile in the programming and animation department, we've started working on the first boss battle! We've made a bunch of prototype attacks and patterns, some which can be seen below: 

Here you can see the skull walls that force you out of the ghost world, which we've shown before in a regular enemy prototype. He also throws a bunch of cannonballs at you; has a dash attack and, of course, a regular whack with the sword.

In the second one you can see two other attacks we've been working on; one being some kind of menace that whirls around the room (though we're not 100% sure about this one yet).

The other is a big rock that gets lifted out of water (it currently spawns from nothing, since the actual boss room with the water isn't made yet), and as it gets thrown into a wall or some other such thing, it gets broken into a bunch of smaller pieces the player has to avoid. Right now the broken-up pieces use some old bullet hell-type graphic asset, but that won't be so in the proper version, of course.

We've actually not sure whether we want it to be a rock or some sort of water-ball (or something like that). Another option we had was for it to be a ball of all kinds of stuff he pulls out of the water and merges together, but to be honest we kind of feel that one might be a bit too much work to get nice enough. The experiments continue!
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