Desert Inspection

Time for some combined bug testing with story developing and writing! Today I've taken some time to play through the entirety of the desert as well as Port Monnaie, finding areas to add flavor text through the magnifying glass-mechanic used here and there throughout the game. 

As I've mentioned before, we're keen on making the world of Grindea seem a vast and lively place, and one part of doing so is adding optional things to examine that might give you a tiny bit of flavor in terms of added information or simple commentary on what you see in the world. 

In order to do this, I've played through each of the areas as we've finished them, writing down snippets here and there for things you can examine. Because it's such a low priority thing, it hasn't really been added to the game yet, though - at first it was something we neglected, and then as things progressed we thought it would be weird to suddenly start adding a ton of 'inspectable' (is that a word? haha!) things in the middle of the game without having added the previous ones, but adding all of the previous ones would take so long it simply isn't a high enough priority at the moment (we want to finish the game, after all). 

For now, it seems unlikely we'll add these until the game is more or less done, when they will be one of the final things we add before the proper release (along with the bonus side quests and stuff we want to add in a true polish stage). Even so, it's a nice opportunity to play through an area after completion and look at the world in a different light, where you try to imagine yourself in the role of someone exploring the game for the first time, trying to see what items might be interesting enough for closer examination.
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