Final (?!) Desert Fixes

Alright! Time for what I *believe* will be the final batch of fixes (on my end, anyway) for the desert before the patch lands! There's still a portrait or two left, but here's a bunch of the minor additons I've been working on:

First up, a Merchant Isles' sailor hat, that might become yours if you complete a certain quest! Another item that is involved in a quest is the below part of a statue:

This farmer is a character who you'll meet in these new quests as well, so I've been making a couple of expressions for him:

Meanwhile, I wasn't completely happy with the anatomy of the mayor's portrait, so I've made a slight fix for it and also aged her slightly (old version on the left, new on the right): 

There's a couple new items as well, which means there's need for more drop appearances! Among these are a bottle based on an animation made by Fred (you can see his sprite on the right in parts of this WIP-gif), as well as a tomato and an onion!

We also changed the layout of the mayor's house a bit, adding more items and characters, making the place feel more like the art/history exhibition it has become (old version first):

Finally, I wanted to increase the amount of greenery in one of the caves, so I went back and added a bunch of plants and leaves here and there:

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